A refund is an amount you could receive if you have paid more than is required after filing your annual return.Tax credits directly reduce the amount of tax you owe.Tax deductions are the amount you are allowed to deduct from your gross income.

The first two may help reduce your overall tax burden, but whether you owe money or receive a refund after filing a tax return depends on many factors. What’s the Difference Between a Deduction, Credit, and a Refundīefore we go any further, it’s important to understand the differences between a tax deduction, tax credit, and a refund. However, let’s examine some of the basic issues that apply to student loans.
Understanding the federal tax code can be challenging, so if you’re too stumped, it’s wise to seek a qualified professional.

In total, federal student debt is around $1.5 trillion. That’s an increase of more than $150 over the past twelve years. Student loan debt is increasing each year, with the average monthly payment for those who borrowed money between the ages of 20–30 at just under $400. You may wonder, “Is any portion of my student loan payments tax-deductible, and will it help me get a refund?” The answers are “maybe” and “maybe.” Student Loan Debt Is Common In fact, approximately 70 percent of students that graduate from four-year, public and private colleges have some amount of debt, with student loans averaging over $37,000. Borrowing money for undergraduate and graduate school is common today.