Those links will work on locations which are synced with tools such Dropbox, Google Drive or Nextcloud. It is intended for sharing links to files anf folders with other TagSpaces users. The first one which was introduced in version 3.8 is called "Link for internal sharing", available in the left part of the previous screenshot. Both links are available in the entry properties area: Sharing link types in the entry properties Internal sharing Since this version TagSpaces offers two options for sharing. Note: this setting can be specified also in the extconfig.js Shareable links In order to show this setting you have to click on the Advanced Mode button of the location's properties dialog, as seen in the next screenshot. The number in this setting represents minutes. you Photo library), or location placed on networks drives where the creation of the index could be slower. Having a longer validation duration time makes sense if you have location with many files which do not change very ofter (e.g. After this period expires and you start a new search, TagSpaces will re-index the location in order to have relevant results. The default value for all locations is 10 minutes. This setting will allow you to specify different index validity duration for every location. Semi-strict mode is exactly the same but case-insensitive. In strict mode the search will deliver results which are exact match to the search query including the case of the letters there.

There are many use cases where more precise results are needed so we decided to introduce the strict and semi-strict search modes. So if your are searching for 'books' TagSpaces will deliver also files containing 'boock' or 'booc' in the file names. Until this version TagSpaces was only searching with a hardcoded fussiness allowing to find a broader amount of relevant files. Info: Search queries are independent from the locations, so they can be used on any location Strict and semi-strict search There is also an edit button with which you can open a dialog where you can change the name of the query or delete it. The saving functionality itself just takes all the parameters from the search area and saves them with the name given in the dialog. The save button from the screenshot above, open a dialog where you can give name to search you want to save. The search panel was extended with additional dropdown field where you can select previously saved searches. So now we made a complete new implementation of this feature.
#Tagspaces export tags pro
Saved searches PRO The idea for saving searches for later user is not new, version 2 of the application had it already some years ago, but it was not migrated right away in version 3.

But here is definitely more to come we are planing a bigger changes in the search user experience in the upcoming versions. The search area of the app is the one which got a lot improvements in this release. Export folder content and search results as CSV.There are a number of updates in this version that we hope you will like. Welcome to the June 2021 release of TagSpaces.