The dude abides
The dude abides

the dude abides

He’s a cool guy, cracking jokes and dropping f-bombs, all while becoming an accidental detective. He’s a wise-ass with a smart-mouth, but also inept in so many ways. The 1998 film, by the Coen Brothers, (coming off their equally perfect, well-received hit “Fargo,”) has become a favorite of Generation X its hero, The Dude, aka Jeff Lebowski, may well be the slacker King. There’s so much pressure to write well, as it’s one of my biggest artistic influences. I re-watched “The Big Lebowski” for the hundredth time, to mood for this column. I suspect Jeff Bridges might be kind of guy. I’m cool with that, but many people prefer the old ways. Or they did, and now we have digital versions. They hold our memories, while we’re busy doing other things. I looked to the album for a picture of Bonnie, 17 years ago, when she was healthy and vital. The last Instagram photo I posted of Bonnie, from 03.07.21. In the past few months, the last vestiges of her personality have extinguished. My mother-in-law has advanced Alzheimer’s Disease, in her late 70’s, and it’s deteriorated badly over the Covid era. We were married here on the farm in the Summer of 2004 the landscape and our family’s lives are so different. We’re hosting the second attempt at our son’s Bar Mitzvah here this weekend, (despite the Delta hazard,) so nostalgia dictates I spend a minute or two thinking about the old days. They’re visual representations of our memories. I bumped into it, and flipped through the pages.

The dude abides